Commercial Service

Pool Service Pros of Tulare, Visalia & Area

Professional Commercial Pool Service in Visalia CA and nearby towns.

Whether you're opening a new commercial pool or you're looking for maintenance, Visalia VIP Pool Service can help you get the most out of your investment. From filters to filtration systems, our experts are here to help. Read on to learn more about our experience and the reliability of our commercial pool services. Let us make your commercial pool the envy of the neighborhood! With over 20 years of service in Visalia CA, our team is ready to meet your pool maintenance needs.

Costs of opening a commercial pool

There are several costs involved with opening a commercial pool, including chemicals, equipment, and cleaning. Generally, these costs run between $250 and $350. Some companies charge by the hour, so you may have to pay more if you want the pool to be completely clean and sparkling. The process can also be complicated, and a professional company can provide you with expert advice. Depending on your situation, you may want to perform a partial opening and closing of the pool yourself.

Choosing the type of cover for the pool is another factor to consider. While solid covers are generally the default, mesh covers are not. This type of cover also allows debris to enter the water and may need to be vacuumed or cleaned with additional chemicals. It may be necessary to install a diving board if you plan to open the pool to the public. These costs are roughly equivalent for both types. You can also opt to use a cover that has a mesh or solid surface.

Cleaning the filters on a commercial pool

To clean a commercial pool filter, the process is fairly straightforward. To begin, you should turn off the pool pump and filtration system. You should then open the air relief valve and release the compressed air. Once the air has been released, remove the top of the filter. Once the filter is completely empty, open the filter's latching mechanisms and use a garden hose to clean the unit. To do this, rinse the filter and inspect it for any signs of wear and tear.

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To clean the filter, first remove any debris that is trapped between the pleats. A dirty filter is a major contributor to low-quality water. The cartridge should be soaked for a few hours in clean water. Oils, tanning lotions, and sunscreen can also clog the filter's pleats. Use a commercial pool cleaner, or if that's not an option, dishwashing liquid will do the trick.

Maintenance of a commercial pool

When it comes to maintaining the health of your pool, routine maintenance of your commercial pool is essential. Regular cleaning and filter maintenance are necessary to keep the water clear. Brush away clumps of dirt and debris from the pool surface. Clean the skimmer and pump baskets as needed. Test the chemicals in your pool to ensure it is balanced and not contaminated by algae. When the pressure gauge increases, you can clean the cartridge filters.

Regular testing of pool water is an important part of commercial pool maintenance. Proper sanitizer levels are essential. Low sanitizer levels are dangerous for swimmers because bacteria thrive in low concentrations. Similarly, too much sanitizer can damage pool surfaces and irritate swimmers. You should check water pH and chlorine levels daily or at least monthly. Also, remember to test the iron and copper levels once a month.

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